Chorley Computer Club




15 May 2024 - AGM on 10th July
Chorley Computer Club will be holding its AGM from 8pm on the 10th July 2024 in the function room at St. George's club. All members are encouraged to attend. Any members wishing to raise any agenda items or to submit nominations for committee positions should contact the Club Secretary. There will also be a hotpot and raffle on the night for members.
06 Dec 2023 - Christmas break
We will still be meeting next Wednesday 13th December 2023 but there will be no meetings on 20th December 2023, 27th December 2023 and 3rd January 2024. Club meetings will recommence on Wednesday 10th January 2024.
11 Oct 2023 - Club meeting in bar area on 18th Oct
The function room is booked out on Wed 18th Oct so we will be meeting in the bar area of St. George's Social Club on that night.
03 Oct 2023 - Club nights moving to Wednesdays
Due to St George's club needing the function room on Tuesdays we will be changing our meeting night to Wednesdays from the 11th Oct 2023
04 Apr 2023 - AGM on 9th May
Chorley Computer Club will be holding its AGM from 8pm on the 9th May 2023 in the function room at St. George's club. All members are encouraged to attend. Any members wishing to raise any agenda items or nominations for committee positions should be sent to the club secretary.
19 Apr 2022 - No meeting at George's 26th Apr
St. George's Club has been booked on 26th April 2022, therefore there will be no club meeting at St. George's Club on that night. The Zoom meeting will go ahead as normal.
15 Mar 2022 - No meeting at St George's 22nd Mar
St. George's Club has been booked on 22nd March 2022, therefore there will be no club meeting at St. George's Club on that night. The Zoom meeting will go ahead as normal.
18 Jan 2022 - No meeting 1st Feb
St. George's Club has been booked on 1st February 2022, therefore there will be no physical club meeting at St. George's Club on that night. The Zoom meeting will go ahead as normal.
15 Dec 2021 - Christmas meetings
The last meeting of this year will be on Tuesday 21st December. Meetings will resume in 2022 on Tuesday 18th January. So this means that there will be no meetings on 28th December, 4thJanuary or 11th January.

The committee would like to wish all our members a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
30 Nov 2021 - Hotpot event - 14th December
Chorley Computer Club is organising a Christmas Hotpot Supper and Raffle which will take place on Tuesday December 14th.

This will be free to members of the Computer Club. We do require confirmation of your attendance in order to arrange catering. Please contact the club secretary by next Tuesday 7th December, if you wish to attend.

Should any members wish to donate a raffle prize, these will be gratefully received.
Look forward to seeing you.
19 Oct 2021 - No meeting 26th October
There will be no meeting at St. George's Church Institute on the 26th October due to the room being booked for a funeral. The weekly Zoom meeting will be going ahead as normal. See you on Zoom!
28 Sep 2021 - No meeting 5th October
There will be no meeting at St. George's Church Institute on the 5th October due to the room being booked by someone else. The weekly Zoom meeting will be going ahead as normal. See you on Zoom!
03 Aug 2021 - Back at the club
St. George's Church Institute has normal service back for the broadband. We welcome members to return to the club.
28 Jun 2021 - St George's broadband problem.
St. George's Church Institute is currently having an issue with its broadband and has therefore been forced to switch their business operations over to the connection usually used for the free cloud wi-fi. This means the wi-fi is currently unavailable at the club. On top of that the England v Germany Euros football match is on Tue 29th Jun 2021, and St. George's club will be using the function room to show the match. Since the match may go into extra time, this effectively means that the function room will not be available on 29th Jun, therefore there will be no club meeting that night at St. George's club.
08 Jun 2021 - Amended dates for St George's meets.
St. George's Church Institute will be having new carpet fitted on Tue 22nd Jun 2021 in the function room. This means that there will be no club meeting at St. George's Club on that evening. The Zoom meeting will be going ahead as normal.